About Me

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Utah, United States
Hello! I started this blog two years ago...and then did no other posts. LOL! So I am restarting...! I am happily married to my cute hubby of 15 years, Clay, and mother to two adorable boys, eight-year-old J.R. and five-year-old Gavin. If you are a Mom, then you understand the "Mommy mush brain" that coincides with having children. And since I am a Mom, well, then you understand why my blog is thusly named. :D

12 January 2011


I have many passions. Who doesn't? Family, music, art, travel...those are big ones for me. Oh, and cake. hahahahaha! Did you know I used to want to go to nursing school? I started with my CNA, did my clinicals, passed the class. Then I decided..NAAAH! I have heard MANY times, "Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life. " Wellllll, nursing, though a rewarding career, is LOTS of work. Especially on holidays. And any other day that you don't want to work. Ha! So, since its not in me to be a curator in an art gallery, or a record exec (though, I have to say, that one could be REALLLLLLY fun! LOL!), that leaves travel.

Drum-roll please............

My next career of choice (after full-time Mommy, of course) is gonna have to be Travel Agent. Yessiree....the day is coming soon where back to school I shall go. Or at least to online classes. :) Could it BE more fun to help plan vacations?! People come in all a-twitter, excited for their options, and there I shall wait (opinions at the ready, natch!) to help them in their quest. Yup...travel agent. Thats the life for me.

I have a small base of travel experience from which to build. Though cash flow of late is TIGHT,  I will find a way to continue this passion. I will admit, however, when it comes to travel, I am quick with the plastic. LOL!!! For this proof, one just needs to turn to my sweet, understanding husband, whom, on a very sleepy night, approved (though he might argue this!) our upcoming anniversary cruise. As he dozed in front of a football-blaring television, I happily cruised (no pun intended! HA!) the cruise websites.

What?! There is only SO MUCH football a woman can take, after all!

"I found it!" I yelled excitedly.

"Wha-?" he said, extremely confused. (He was sleeping, remember?)

"Our anniversary trip."

"Oh, cool. Where?"

"The Exotic Caribbean." I said, quickly following with "Its a CRUISE."

I am not ashamed to say that, when it comes to trips, I know all I have to say to my husband is: "Its a cruise" and he is ready. He comes from a cruising family. But first,

"How much?" he said.

Ok, so, I led you on. Its not THAT easy to get my way. My hubby is thrifty, ya'll!

But much to my pleasure, I had found a REALLY great deal. He was impressed, and said it sounded perfect. And went back to sleep. Hehehe. Just picture the Grinch smile on my face. Without the green...and the hair...I digress...

So after about 20 more minutes of cruising (*ahem*! *giggle*!) to make sure that was really THE ONE, I casually said,

"I'm gonna book it, k? There's a card right here on the desk."

He mumbled something.

Now, its not my fault that it sounded like, "Honey its perfect for our anniversary and the itinerary is great and somewhere we have never been and you sooooo deserve it and its just the right price and just use the mastercard thats right there."

He should've spoken more clearly! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

So, after printing my reciept, I bounded down the stairs, BEYOND all-a-twitter with excitement, and said, "OK!!! We are all set. We leave a couple days before our anniversary!!!!"

He really woke up then. And after the initial shock, he was cool with it. He really was.

Did I mention the initial shock didnt wear off for a few days?



The moral of the story is? Nichole WILL travel. So...everyone just be aware.

And guard your plastic.

Especially YOU, Clay.  (love you! :)

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