About Me

My photo
Utah, United States
Hello! I started this blog two years ago...and then did no other posts. LOL! So I am restarting...! I am happily married to my cute hubby of 15 years, Clay, and mother to two adorable boys, eight-year-old J.R. and five-year-old Gavin. If you are a Mom, then you understand the "Mommy mush brain" that coincides with having children. And since I am a Mom, well, then you understand why my blog is thusly named. :D

27 September 2012

It's been TWO YEARS?!

It's been TWO YEARS!!

Holy cow! Who starts a blog and then... does nothing on said blog...for TWO YEARS?! Apparently me. SIGH.

What can you do? START OVER!

Hello, fellow bloggers! I'm baaaa-aaaack! *giggle* A lot has happened over the last two years, for sure. Some I can talk about, some I can't...more on that in the future, maybe. Anyhoo, my random ramblings will be posted here for your perusal, should you care to peruse.

I will just say, before I go, how happy I am that fall is here. I am seriously sick of sweating. And to get you into that "YAY FALL!!!" mood, (if you aren't already) then here are a couple of pics to get you going for all recipes pumpkin, sweaters, boots, jeans, hot cocoa/cider, and the HOLIDAYS!

Wooo hoooo!

Say it with me: YAY FALL!!!

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