About Me

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Utah, United States
Hello! I started this blog two years ago...and then did no other posts. LOL! So I am restarting...! I am happily married to my cute hubby of 15 years, Clay, and mother to two adorable boys, eight-year-old J.R. and five-year-old Gavin. If you are a Mom, then you understand the "Mommy mush brain" that coincides with having children. And since I am a Mom, well, then you understand why my blog is thusly named. :D

19 October 2010

It Is What It Is

You've heard that phrase, right? I say it a lot, especially to other people who fret about something they can't change.

I am trying, sometimes in vain, to actually live that phrase. You see, my brain gets all in a tizzy when things don't go the way I planned. When control is lost, my churning stomach joins my crazed brain and they have a little party, without permission. No amount of Coca-Cola will help, no amount of chocolate will subdue. So, I repeat my little mantra: "It is what it is." As you can imagine, I say this a lot during the day. LOL!

Can't pay that bill?
It is what it is.
I can't make money magically appear.

The house is FILTHY, smells like dog, AND unannounced visitors are at the door?
It is what it is.
Well, THIS will keep me humble, for sure!

Think of something that is bugging you, right now. Instead of doing my 10-plus loads of laundry, (which is actually something I do have control over, but that is neither here nor there) I am sitting here preaching to you my mantra. HA!!!! So lets whisper together, with a shrug of our shoulders:

"It is what it is!"

See, dontcha feel a little better?

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