About Me

My photo
Utah, United States
Hello! I started this blog two years ago...and then did no other posts. LOL! So I am restarting...! I am happily married to my cute hubby of 15 years, Clay, and mother to two adorable boys, eight-year-old J.R. and five-year-old Gavin. If you are a Mom, then you understand the "Mommy mush brain" that coincides with having children. And since I am a Mom, well, then you understand why my blog is thusly named. :D

08 October 2010

Why "Mush-Brain Madness" ?

Bizarre name for a blog, right? LOL! Well, seriously, that title is the first thing that popped into my head.

Hello, my name is Nichole, and I suffer from Mommy Mush-Brain.

MMB happens after having children, ask any Mom. I haven't met ONE Mother yet who hasn't said "I feel dumb since having a baby. What happened to my brain?!" Maybe I am summarizing, but you get the gist.

Its worse if you are a stay-at-home Mom, as I am. Gone are the intellectually-stimulating conversations with your peers. You are lucky if you even have the energy to have a conversation with your husband when he gets home in the evening.  I swear at one point in my life I was funny, witty, sharp-as-a-tack, well-rested, and much more friendly. Not to mention a LOT less stressed! What happened to that person? Well, I will tell you. How much time do you have? Ha! I'll give you the short list, though not for your benefit. Dora the Explorer will be over in a minute and  my three year old will be yammering at me and...anyhoo, back to the list:

Sleep deprivation for about a year (times 2 children). Diapers, non-stop. Getting barfed on, equally as non-stop. Lost binkys. Can I just say, I would like to KISS the feet of the binky inventors?!?!?! Immunizations. I think I cried more than my babies did! Then, as they get older, Mac-n-Cheese. Sponge-Bob. Whining. A LOT of whining. Night-time crying, because I have taken away the binky I used to love, in order to prevent my sweet toddlers perfect Chic-let teeth from turning into hideous Bucky Beaver teeth. Then, when their sibling starts playing with their toys, FIGHTING. A LOT of fighting. It starts at o'dark thirty, before my eyeballs can even open, and does NOT end until bedtime, when they part ways to their own rooms.

I will just stop there. I think you understand why my blog is called Mush-Brain Madness, now, don't you?

So, in closing, on this my first blog, I would just like to say: I am here in the blogosphere to get my brain back. To write about this, that, and the other; to read all of your interesting blogs; and to discuss -at length and in detail- said blogs with my peers. Who are not under the age of 7.


  1. Nichole-
    I love it! You are going to get along very well out here in blogosphere. I would love to send you an invite to my blog, because it is private, I would need you to email me your email address. Then I will approve you to view my blog. I will be following you. I will look forward to many more interesting things from you! Love it!!

  2. Nic-
    you are so funny- I think that this is the perfect "venting" arena for you, me, everyone we know. Can I say that I CRIED when the "paci-fairy" came and took the paci's away forever. Oh- look, something shiney...

  3. Finally! I'm very proud of you Nichole :) You know what I'm not proud of? The fact that I haven't seen you in how long??? Next week! Let's do something. Lunch without kids sounds splendid. Let me know if Monday or Tuesday works for you. Love ya!
